Public Awareness and Outreach

Even a well-planned system to house and deliver facilitation to parents and schools will be ignored if not marketed. Getting the message out that your program is open and ready for business requires planning, and leveraging of existing resources and relationships is necessary. Identify what your program does and how it makes the difference, and develop a marketing strategy for getting your story to the folks who will use it. Coordinate your materials and communications into a consistent message, and make it easy for people to find information about your program and how to access it. Identify others who will help you promote your program and who will share their positive experiences with others. 

When people talk about IEP facilitation in your state, you want to make sure they have the language to explain accurately what you do and why facilitation is valuable. Identify the key messages or...

It is critical to the success of your IEP facilitation program to keep the people who will use and interact with the system, central to the design process. Identifying intended audiences and...

Information about your IEP facilitation program needs to be publicly available and in multiple formats. People often need information presented in various formats. Sometimes the format is determined...


In the world of advertising “effective frequency” is the number of times a person must be exposed to a message to make an impact. The reality of marketing a program, and the added truth that there is...


As you develop your IEP facilitation program, keep the people you serve central to the design process. Work with a representative group of stakeholders who can help you understand the people who will...