Evaluation Planning

Indicator: Measurable performance goals for the dispute resolution system have been set and evaluation activities are outlined.

Stakeholders provide input on what success looks like and assist with the development of measurable performance goals (beyond those required by the SPP/APR) for the dispute resolution system. Evaluation activities and responsible persons are identified, along with timelines. Evaluation activities include the collection, analysis, summarization, and review of both process and outcome data.

Examples: logic model, performance measures, table of evaluation activities

Critical Questions for Consideration

  • Who should be involved in the evaluation planning process?
  • What would success look like?
    • What are some measurable performance goals for this initiative?
    • When could these goals realistically be met?
  • What would need to happen in order to get the desired results?
  • What human and fiscal resources would be required?
  • What data might be tracked and how could it be used to improve performance or show impact?
  • What data sources (e.g., surveys, interviews, intake forms) might be employed to collect evidence?
  • How will this data be collected?
