Main Library

Rhode Island Informal and Formal Special Education Options and Resources for Dispute Resolution (English)

RI - Procedural Safeguards Notice Portuguese

RI - A System of Continuous Improvement

RI - Complaint Procedures

RI - Complaint Procedures - Portuguese

RI - Complaint Procedures - Spanish

RI - Due Process Hearing Procedures - Resolution Session Excerpt

RI - Impartial Due Process Hearing Procedures

RI - Model Form to Assist in Filing A Special Education State Complaint

RI - Model Form to Assist in Requesting A Due Process Hearing

RI - Options and Resources - RI Informal and Formal Sped Options and Resources for DR

RI - Resolution Session Reporting Form

RI - Spanish - Options and Resources - RI Informal and Formal Sped Options and Resources for DR

RI - Special Education Procedural Safeguards Notice

RI - Special Education Procedural Safeguards Notice Spanish

RI - State Complaint Model Form - Spanish

RI - State Complaint Model Form Portuguese

RI - State Complaint Submission Tracking Form

RIPIN - Basic Rights in Special Education

RIPIN - Basic Rights in Special Education (PPT Handout)

RMF Brochure_English_Dec2013.pdf