IDEA Dispute Resolution Parent Guides and Companion Videos

Following OSEP’s release of a Q&A on IDEA Part B Dispute Resolution in July 2013, CADRE was asked to create a set of companion resources for parents and families. In response, CADRE developed six parent guides and a process comparison chart with the support of parent leaders from across the country. These guides explain facilitation, mediation, written state complaints, due process complaints, resolution meetings, and expedited due process complaints.

You can access these parent guides by clicking on each process below or in the side navigation. Most of the guides are available in the following languages:  English, Spanish, Arabic, Chinese (Simplified), Hmong, Korean, Russian, Vietnamese, Burmese, Portuguese, Japanese, and Somali.

In addition, companion videos for each of the processes are now available in English, Arabic, Korean and Spanish!

CADRE is very grateful for the review and input provided by:

Myriam Alizo, Bilingual Parent Group Specialist, Statewide Parent Advocacy Network
Sharman Davis Barrett, Project Director, PACER Center
Connie K. Hawkins, Director, Region 2 Parent Technical Assistance Center/Executive Director, Exceptional Children’s Assistance Center
Liz Healey, Executive Director, PEAL Parent Center
Jan Serak, Co-Director, Region 4 Parent Technical Assistance Center/Executive Co-Director, WI FACETS
Nora Thompson, Director, Region 6 Parent Technical Assistance Center/Executive Director, Matrix Parent Network and Resource Center