Tracy Gershwin Mueller is an Associate Professor at the University of Northern Colorado where she teaches undergraduate and graduate courses in the special education licensure program and coordinates the Intervention Specialist MA program. Tracy specializes in interventions for children and youth with challenging behaviors, family-school partnerships, and alternative dispute resolution in special education. Tracy is also a trained mediator.

Clip 1: You've done a lot of work around positive parent engagement. Are there strategies, advice that you would offer about how we can create and really sustain positive home-school relationships?

Clip 2: From your research, are there things that you've learned that you believe really can contribute to more effective practice?

Clip 3: As you look out into the future are there questions that are especially of interest to you, areas that you'd really like to see the research move into?

Clip 4: Any remaining thoughts?

Contact Information:

Tracy Gershwin Mueller
University of Northern Colorado
501 20th Street Campus Box 141
Greeley, CO 80639
