Voices from the Field: Dee Ann Wilson

Dee Ann Wilson was a consultant with the Iowa Department of Education until her retirement in June 2010. Most of the 29 years while employed with the SEA involved administering policies and procedures concerning state complaints, preappeal conferences (mediations without requesting a hearing), mediations, and due process complaints. Dee Ann received the 2009 JoLeta Reynolds Service to Special Education Award at a national institute for her efforts to promote alternate dispute resolution.

The interviews below were conducted in 2010 as part of CADRE's Exemplar Initiative.

Clip 1: What is the one thing you know now that you wish you had known when you began your job?

Clip 2: For almost two years now, you, CADRE, and three other states have been exploring the nature of dispute resolution systems. How has that experience affected your thinking?

Clip 3: Your state is very committed to stakeholder training. Tell us about your work in that area and the effect that it's having.

Clip 4: Iowa has made a big investment in resolution facilitators. Can you tell us about the AEA Resolution Process and how it is working?

Clip 5: Iowa uses a "Shepherd" to monitor implementation of dispute resolution agreements and fine tune when the parties agree it's necessary. Tell us a bit more about this function and how it works.

Contact Information:

Dee Ann Wilson
Formerly of the Iowa Department of Education
Des Moines, IA