Cindy Swain coordinates special education complaint investigations for the Texas Education Agency. She currently manages the state's IEP facilitation initiative in Texas and serves on the Texas Council for Developmental Disabilities and the State Task Force for Children with Special Needs.  As a member of CADRE's Intensive Facilitated IEP Project,  Cindy is especially interested in improving school outcomes for students with disabilities through facilitated IEP team meetings. She served as a classroom teacher, administrator, and college professor for 25 years before coming to the Texas Education Agency 8 years ago.

Clip 1: Cindy, Texas makes a significant investment in complaints investigation and findings. Can you tell us a little bit about that process?

Clip 2: Can you tell us a little about the system that you use to screen for potential new complaints investigators?

Clip 3: What do you know now that you wished you'd known when you were starting your career? Do you have advice for people who are just embarking on careers in special education dispute resolution?

Clip 4: Anything else you would like to say?
