Perspectives of Participants in Special Education Mediation: A Qualitative Inquiry

Bonnie Todis, Philip Moses and Marshall Peter
CADRE undertook a qualitative inquiry of special education mediations in two states. In this exploratory research, CADRE's goal was to gain access to, examine, and compare the perspectives of parents, school personnel and mediators on several dimensions of the mediation experience. A CADRE publication.

CADRE undertook a qualitative inquiry of special education mediations in two states. In this exploratory research, CADRE's goal was to gain access to, examine, and compare the perspectives of parents, school personnel and mediators on several dimensions of the mediation experience—expectations, the process itself, outcomes, satisfaction with the process and outcomes, and long term outcomes. By identifying themes and patterns within and across cases, CADRE hoped to identify promising areas for future qualitative and quantitative research. A CADRE publication.