CADRE's Parent Center Dispute Resolution Learning Community

Since 2021, CADRE and Parent Center staff have engaged in meaningful and impactful discussions on many different topics relating to dispute resolution (DR) in special education. The community has supported peer-to-peer problem solving, professional development, and resource creation and sharing.


  • Facilitates conversations on DR topics of interest to you!
  • Hosts 60-minute monthly open forum/topical calls at 11:00am PT/2:00pm ET.
  • Provides space to learn about DR strategies & activities from other Parent Centers.

How to Join

You can join the Learning Community at anytime! To receive information on how to join, please contact, Noella Bernal:


CADRE Consultant, Tammie Sebastian, formerly with the Ohio Parent Training and Information Center, Ohio Coalition for the Education of Children with Disabilities, brings decades of experience in special education advocacy and dispute resolution.

What Members are Saying About the Community

"...the information we have had access to at our Parent Center has been incredible. The ideas and collaborative approach that CADRE uses helps us support families as they go through the special education process, and especially as they access dispute resolution options in our state.”

“THANK YOU! I always learn so much from you all!”

“Thank you for this platform!”

“So much learning and kindred hearts!”

“In supporting our own staff at our PTIC, we utilize the CADRE website and CADRE resources throughout the year. We have embedded knowledge of CADRE information into the trainings we do with our education consultants. We often share the information with parents to help their understanding of dispute resolution as well.”

States Participating in the Learning Community
States Participating in the Learning Community

Past Topics Covered Include:

  • ​​Coaching Parents to Engage with Schools

  • Overview of Dispute Resolution Processes (mediation, facilitation, complaints, due process)

  • Supporting Parents to Understand the IEP

  • Transition and Youth Involvement in IEP Meetings

  • Cultural and Linguistic Competence in IDEA Mediation

  • Collaboration with State Education Agencies