Webinar: Helping Families Meet Resource Needs and Achieve Self-Sufficiency


Join the webinar here: https://attendee.gototraining.com/r/4984756208515540737

“Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach him how to fish and you feed him for a lifetime” (translation from Chinese philosopher Lao Tze).  

Early Interventionists and other home visitors who work with families with young children often support families with resource needs. We produce lists of resources or information, make referrals for families, and even bring resources or materials to the family. We are trying to help, but these practices do not necessarily assist the family with build the capacity to meet their ongoing resource needs or future needs that arise. Learn the five-step process for providing better family support so that families meet their immediate needs and learn how to “fish” now and in the future. ​


Lisa Cloninger, MSW, LCSWA, ITFS
Lisa Cloninger is a team supervisor at the Mecklenburg County Children’s Developmental Services Agency, where she has served in varying roles from Service Coordinator, Developmental Disabilities Specialist, Team Supervisor, and most recently, Team Supervisor of the team piloting a Primary Service Provider Approach to Teaming. Lisa provides local support on Coaching, Natural Learning Environment Practices, and Resource Based Practices, and developed the local coaching program, Coach2Coach, that supports providers in the network with sharpening their best practices. Lisa is also working on her clinical social work licensure and is focused on supporting families of children birth to five.

Sarah Sexton, M.Ed.
Sarah Sexton is the Associate Director at the Family, Infant and Preschool Program (FIPP) and has degrees in Early Childhood Education, Special Education, and Educational Leadership. She is currently working on her doctorate at Appalachian State University. She has worked in and provided professional development for the early childhood field for more than 20 years, including, webinars, conferences, and in-service trainings. Capacity-building family support and early intervention practices is near and dear to Sarah's heart and her understanding is shaped not only by her knowledge of research but also by her experiences on both the providing and receiving sides of the practices.