Webinar: Breaking Barriers - Reaching the Hard to Reach


This webinar will explore creative models and best practices for parent centers seeking to reach families that have historically been under-served. Representatives from each of the four parent centers comprising the New York 1 Parent Training and Information Center Collaborative will present strategies for bridging cultural, racial, and linguistic differences as well as approaches for overcoming challenges posed by the child welfare system and parental incarceration. Practices to be shared will include programs targeting Spanish-speaking families (INCLUDEnyc), Native American families (Long Island Advocacy Center), parents with children in foster care (Sinergia), and parents who are incarcerated (Advocates for Children of New York).


Michelle Eaton, Advocates from Children

Alfonso Guzman, INCLUDE nyc

Don Lash, Sinergia

Yvonne Sinisgalli, Long Island Advocacy Center

To register for this webinar:           

Click here to register for this webinar

The National Resources for Access, Independence, Self-determination and Employment (RAISE) Technical Assistance Center is a project of the Statewide Parent Advocacy Network and is funded by the U.S. Department of Education Rehabilitation Services Administration.