Special Education Legislative Summit 2020


Summit Mission

This summit is all about ensuring every educator is empowered to serve all students without limits. This is your profession and it is your government. There is no one more qualified than you to educate our nation’s policymakers about:

Protecting and increasing IDEA funding for its intended purpose.
Ensuring no policy restricts public education’s ability to deliver free appropriate education and early intervention services.
Safeguarding the rights of children and youth with exceptionalities.

What to Expect

This is not your typical “sit and get” event! The summit enables you to take action. First, you will be doing some pre-conference work through conference calls, email groups, etc., in preparation for making your appointments for Hill visits. But don’t worry, you will be briefed on the latest proposals under consideration by the Administration and Congress. Then, you will work in collaborative state teams to craft messages and stories that will resonate with policymakers. More importantly, you will hit the halls of Congress, meeting with your Senators and Representative. It is a fast-paced, action-oriented experience that will leave you knowing that you can make a difference!

Register here.

Due to the implications of COVID-19, organizers are actively monitoring the situation and its effect on SELS. Please continue to hold the dates on your calendar; a decision to hold SELS 2020 will be made no later than May 1.


Members of the SELS Planning Committee can be reached at sels@cec.sped.org.

SELS Co-Chairs: Maggie McLaughlin (CEC), Kevin Rubenstein (CASE)