The Provision of "COVID-19 FAPE" to Students with Disabilities


What are the top special education legal issues that have risen to the surface during the COVID-19 school closures? In this 90-minute Webinar, nationally-recognized special education consultant and attorney Julie Weatherly, Esq. will address some of the most commonly discussed issues at this time, including the standard for FAPE during the school closure period; the impact of procedural violations on FAPE; the provision of ESY services; the provision of “COVID Impact Services” v. “compensatory education;” and considerations for ensuring legal compliance when schools reopen. Practical considerations and suggestions will be included throughout, as well as time for questions and answers during the session.

Presenter:  Julie Weatherly, Esq., Founder of RISE (Resolutions in Special Education)

Register here

Council of Administrators of Special Education
Telephone:  417-427-7720