Promoting First Relationships® 2-day Learner Workshop


Promoting First Relationships (PFR) is a an evidence-based program which educates service providers to help parents and other caregivers meet the social and emotional needs of young children by building nurturing and responsive relationships with children. In this workshop you will learn . . .

  • Theoretical foundations of social and emotional development in early childhood (birth to 3 years)
  • Consultation strategies
  • Elements of a healthy relationship
  • Infants and the development of trust and security
  • Toddlers and the development of self
  • Understanding and intervening with children’s challenging behaviors
  • Developing intervention plans and individualizing the PFR curriculum

Promoting First Relationships can improve . . .

  • Parental sensitivity
  • Parental knowledge of child development
  • Parental confidence and competence
  • Child outcomesChild Welfare outcomes

Who Should Attend:  Social Workers, Home Visitors, Early Intervention Providers, Early Childhood Educators, Public Health Nurses, Infant Mental Health Specialists or Therapists

Register here today!

Registration includes the PFR Curriculum Package (156 page manual, video and parent handouts CD)
15 CEU’s available


phone: 206-543-8528