Improving Data, Improving Outcomes


What is the focus of the meeting?

The meeting combines issues related to the development or enhancement of Part C, Section 619, and/or coordinated early childhood data systems; improvement of data quality; and the measurement and use of child and family outcomes data in order to make data informed decisions. National frameworks and products and states' experiences and resources for improving data systems and systems of services will be highlighted.

Who is the intended audience?

It is designed for Part C and 619 coordinators, Part C and Part B data managers, and SICC chairs, and others working on EC data systems, Part C/619 outcomes, and improving service systems and practices such state TA providers and families. National TA providers and OSEPrepresentatives will also participate and benefit from the meeting.

Are there funds available to support travel?

Funds are available to support travel and expenses for Part C and 619 coordinators and Part C and Part B data managers.


Sarah Criscuolo

Phone: (919) 962-7318