13th International Conference on Conflict Resolution Education


The 13th International Conference on Conflict Resolution Education (CRE) is an opportunity for individuals to explore the wide array of local and global career opportunities in the field of conflict and peace. The conference will include:

  • Skills development workshops
  • Career and internship fair
  • Opportunities to develop and practice elevator speech for a job
  • Resume review by academics and professionals in the field
  • Sessions for faculty, staff and administrators on how to enhance programs to better connect and prepare students for the wide variety of careers in the field
  • Sessions for employers to help enhance their internship opportunities to better support their organization’s needs and student learning
  • Quality design of service learning specifically for peace and conflict resolution programs
  • And more!

The conference is intended for secondary and higher education students, faculty, staff and administrators, members of the business community, non-profit leaders, media groups, philanthropists, and anyone wishing to make positive change in their communities. Participants will exchange best practices, consideration of obstacles to success, and new and innovative use of training, resources and technology.


 Jennifer Batton
Conference Coordinator