Emerging Research and Knowledge Gaps in IDEA Dispute Resolution

CADRE recognizes the importance of informed practices and advancing knowledge in IDEA dispute resolution. While facilitated IEP meetings, engagement efforts, resolution meetings, mediations, state complaints, and due process hearings support thousands of youth with disabilities each year, we know families and schools stand to benefit even more from research-informed policies and pracopen booktices. 

In 2021, CADRE surveyed the researchers in the fields of special education and early intervention dispute resolution to identify areas of needed research with the goal of encouraging scholarship activity in these areas. In addition to the topics identified by researchers as areas of need for additional research in the areas of special education or early intervention dispute resolution, CADRE offers topics that arise as areas of interest from conversations in the field.

Finally, as part of CADRE’s ongoing effort to highlight and provide access to timely full-text research articles through our RAISE literature database, emerging research topics are added to this list.