Youth Leadership Academy: School to Life (S2L) - Tennessee

In 2016, the Council on Developmental Disabilities launched a new partnership with TN's Centers for Independent Living (CILs) on a multi-year initiative to provide training to transition-aged youth across the state.

System Oversight, Infrastructure and Organization


In 2016, the Council on Developmental Disabilities launched a new partnership with TN's Centers for Independent Living (CILs) on a multi-year initiative to provide training to transition-aged youth across the state. The Center for Independent Living and The Tennessee Council on Developmental Disabilities collaborate to provide a unique and exciting opportunity for students with disabilities to further develop the skills needed to make the most out of the wide range of services and resources available to support their transition to adulthood. The Council and CILs host and facilitate a 3–4 day training for high school students with disabilities in different parts of the state, with the goal of placing youth exiting high school on a positive path towards post-secondary training, education, employment and living more independently. The organizations work together to develop curriculum, agenda, selection criteria for participants, budget, local arrangements, and evaluation tools and process.

The goal for the Academy is to teach self-advocacy to transition-aged youth to prepare them for post-secondary training, education, employment, and living more independently, with a grander vision of building a core of youth advocates to teach these skills to their peers.

The  Council and SILs seek 20-30 students between the ages of 14-24 that would benefit from an experience that would address:

  • Individual Identity as a Person with a Disability
  • Self-Advocacy and Empowerment
  • Finding and Using Your Voice
  • The Opportunities and Responsibilities of Choice
  • Contributing to the Community
Program Access & Delivery

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Students will need to apply to participate. The application process will ensure that the chosen students want to participate, will value the training, and that all the necessary accommodations are in place for a successful event.

Each training will be held in proximity to the CILs.

The Academies cover the following topics:

  • The History of the Self-Advocacy and Independent Living Movements
  • The Importance of Speaking up for Yourself
  • State and Community Resources
  • Developing Independent Living Skills
  • Developing a One-Page Plan/Profiles
  • Putting Technology to Work for You
  • Communicating with Legislators / Telling Your Story

Training focuses on maximizing each participant’s:

  • Self-Empowerment
  • Individual Identity as a Person with a Disability
  • Advocacy Skills
  • Ability to Make Informed Choices
Public Awareness & Outreach Activities
Program Contact
<p>Partners in Policymaking Director, Ned Andrew Solomon at <a href="" target="_blank"></a> or 615-532-6556.<br /> <br />  </p>