Main Library

This library contains CADRE resources as well as State, Lead Agency and Parent Center resources. Please note that CADRE makes no endorsement of the State, Lead Agency and Parent Center resources included here, nor of any policies, procedures, processes, or documents specific to any item.

Perfect Together: Aligning and Leveraging State Education Agencies and Parent Centers in Shared Work

Video of Perfect Together: Aligning and Leveraging State Education Agencies and Parent Cent This webinar focuses on practical, implementable strategies leading to effective and sustained collaboration between Parent Centers and State Education Agencies. The presenters provide examples of practices across the Collaboration Continuum that have led to successful, authentic engagement. Characteristics of a partnership that has continued over time, survived changes in personnel, and endured across short and long-term initiatives, are described. Presenters: Helen W. Post is the Executive Director...
CADRE undertook a qualitative inquiry of special education mediations in two states. In this exploratory research, CADRE's goal was to gain access to, examine, and compare the perspectives of parents, school personnel and mediators on several dimensions of the mediation experience—expectations, the process itself, outcomes, satisfaction with the process and outcomes, and long term outcomes. By identifying themes and patterns within and across cases, CADRE hoped to identify promising areas for future qualitative and quantitative research. A CADRE publication.
About the Webinar: This webinar focused on the fundamentals of creating supportive and effective family-practitioner relationships. The group of presenters, representing family, practitioner, and technical assistance perspectives, shared some of the building blocks of relationships, family-centered practices, and examples of exemplary family-practitioner collaboration. Video of Playing Nicely Together: Family-Centered Practices to Help Practitioners and Families Work Together Presenters: Megan Vinh, ECTA Center & DaSy Center Judy Swett, PACER & ECTA Center Amy Whitehorne, CADRE Yvette...
About the Webinar: Dr. Edward Feinberg is the lead author of CADRE's most recent publication, " In the Best Interests of the Child: Individualized Education Program (IEP) Meetings When Parents Are In Conflict. " As a psychologist and early intervention program manager for more than 30 years, Dr. Feinberg offers practical assistance in what can be a difficult situation for school personnel and parents. Administrators and teachers often do not know the best way of ensuring that each parent is respected and that their opinions are valued. Parents may feel confident in advocating for their child...
Video of Webinar: Productive Conversations Through Empathy Note: A captioned version and transcript will be available soon! About the Webinar: EMPATHY, not ownership. Is it possible for you to support others through difficult moments, demonstrate authentic compassion, or connect through kindness without owning the beliefs, issues, or problems of others? YES, with EMPATHY. Empathy is an amazing gift -- to others and to yourself. The ability to help others without owning their problems is energizing. The willingness to widen your circle of concern to include people unlike you is empowering...
On September 19, 2012 CADRE hosted a free webinar: Re-connecting with the Roots of the IEP/IFSP Process . The webinar was presented by Greg Abell, Principal at Sound Options Group, LLC. Video of Re connecting with the Roots of the IEP IFSP Process 4 0 About the Webinar: Efforts at improving the IEP/IFSP processes often focus on compliance issues. This workshop explored the IEP/IFSP processes as Adaptive Learning tasks that bring a diverse group of people together to engage a complex challenge. We explored ways to better balance the Technical (compliance) elements with the Adaptive (innovative...
Recorded on November 6, 2014 About the Webinar: This webinar starts with a brief overview of the history and use of restorative justice practices to resolve conflict. This is followed by a description of the use of restorative practices in public education, with a spotlight on promising initiatives around the nation. Specific focus is placed on the use of restorative practices for students with disabilities and their families -- both as an alternative to exclusionary discipline, and as a tool for re-integration into the school setting. About the Presenter: John Inglish is an Education Program...
Video of Self-Care Strategies for Families with Children with Disabilities ( El video en español ) About the Webinar : Self-care for the caregiver of a child with disabilities is a complicated topic that fellow caregivers find frustrating. The reality is simply most of us cannot fathom having the time or the capability to address our own needs ahead of a child with complex needs. This presentation encourages us to redefine what self-care really means for the parent of a child with disabilities. How do we reframe self-care in the context of our challenging lives? How do we discover achievable...
Video of Skilled Dialogue Revisited - Joining & Harmonising: Diverse Perspectives About the Webinar : As a follow-up to their live webinar, Skilled Dialogue: Minding and Mining the Riches of Differences , Drs. Barrera and Kramer dive deeper into specific skilled dialogue strategies through example scenarios and explanations of collaborative language. Please rate this resource! About the Presenters : Drs. Barrera and Kramer bring a rich professional as well as personal history. They have taught diverse student populations at the university level for over 20 years. Their model, Skilled...
Video of Skilled Dialogue: Minding and Mining the Riches of Differences MAR 2018 About the Webinar : In an increasingly diverse environment, it is not rare to find ourselves facing the challenges of needing to communicate and collaborate with others whose opinions and perspectives differ significantly from ours. It is no longer viable to hold on to an “either-or” approach that requires diminishing or devaluing one set of opinions and perspectives in favor of another. In this webinar, Barrera and Kramer focus on how diversity can—and should—enhance and unite rather than diminish and divide...
The brief publication is provided to assist states in making decisions about when to extend timelines for state complaints. This document is not intended to provide official guidance, but is a tool to prompt further state discussion.
On October 11th, 2011 Kerry Smith (PA), Dixie Trinen (PA), Eric Neessen (IA), and Marshall Peter (CADRE) talked about the investments that two of CADRE’s “Exemplar States,” Iowa and Pennsylvania, are making in early special education dispute prevention and resolution. A brief overview of CADRE’s Exemplar Initiative and related resources was also discussed. The PowerPoint of the presentation is downloadable below.
This brochure offers specific communication skills that may be helpful to parents as they develop and maintain partnerships with their child's school. This document was originally published in May 2004 and developed in partnership with the National Dissemination Center for Children with Disabilities (NICHCY). If you need assistance accessing these documents please contact . Tell us what you think of the document, please click here to take a short survey.
Video of The Essential Role of Cultural Brokering About the Webinar: Many members of diverse communities have in the past and continue to experience disenfranchisement, marginalization, and in some instances discrimination in the nation’s education, health, and human services systems. Such experiences contribute to distrust and cause barriers to services that are needed within these communities. Programs and professionals in the field of Special Education and Early Intervention Dispute Resolution often struggle with effective ways to engage the racially, ethnically, culturally, and...

