Main Library

This library contains CADRE resources as well as State, Lead Agency and Parent Center resources. Please note that CADRE makes no endorsement of the State, Lead Agency and Parent Center resources included here, nor of any policies, procedures, processes, or documents specific to any item.

CT - Principles of Mediation Brochure (Part C)

DC - Ombuds Annual Report (2017)

DC - Ombudsman Quarter 1 and 2 Report School Year 2017-18

This document was published in July 2002. More information on IDEA 2004.
Esta publicación ha sido desarrollada por el Consorcio para la Resolución Apropiada de Disputas en la Educación Especial (CADRE) para responder a las preguntas que tantos padres, profesores, administradores y otras muchas personas tienen acerca de la mediación.

IA - Mediator's Guide to Special Education Preappeal Conferences June 2010

IA - Recommendation Notes for Improvement

IA - Special Education Mediator Standards

IL - Stakeholder Meeting PowerPoint

There are a number of reasons for making mediation more accessible and responsive to families from culturally, economically and linguistically diverse backgrounds. This document is intended to provide educators with guidance that may help them understand why some families may not participate in mediation, and strategies for increasing the participation of families from diverse backgrounds. Most importantly, Keys to Access offers practical recommendations that school personnel, early intervention service providers, mediation providers, and families can use to develop the knowledge, positive...
This article suggests that the adoption of a maximizing mediation approach by the mediator is permissible and advised. There are no barriers to mediators moving beyond the world of barely sufficient processes and barely sufficient results to stimulate maximized processes and maximized results.

PEATC - Special Education Mediation Toolkit

This resource guide presents an overview of mediation evaluation with a specific focus on how to make use of participant questionnaires in evaluating mediation programs. A CADRE Publication. This document was published in December 2002 and updated in August 2007.


WI - Differences between Mediation and IEP Facilitation Power Point

WI - Effective Participation in the Sped Mediation Process (Manual)

WI - Mediator Roster Candidate Training Application

WI - Special Education Mediation Roster Candidate Training Flier

WI - Stakeholder Involvement Yields Better Mediation System Article

Dr. Susan Etscheidt will begin our presentation by introducing the dispute resolution options offered in the state of Iowa. In addition to highlighting the conflict resolution continuum for special education related disputes, Dr. Etscheidt will share the state's impressive statistics for pre-appeals, hearing, and mediations. She will then highlight the issues of the last ten hearings and the implications for these hearings in relevant case law. Amber Benedict will share her master's thesis research findings on Iowa's state special education mediators exploring their perceptions on power and...
