Main Library

This library contains CADRE resources as well as State, Lead Agency and Parent Center resources. Please note that CADRE makes no endorsement of the State, Lead Agency and Parent Center resources included here, nor of any policies, procedures, processes, or documents specific to any item.

On July 13th, 2011 Nissan Bar-Lev, Director of CESA 7 (WI), Jan Serak, Co-Director of WI FACETS, JoAnne Blades, Program Manager of Oklahoma SERC, and Sharon House, Executive Director of Oklahoma Parents Center, joined Marshall Peter (Director of CADRE) to share exemplary practices in stakeholder engagement in dispute resolution. This webinar illustrates how these two states have incorporated meaningful stakeholder involvement into their state systems. A recording of the webinar is also available. The PowerPoint from this presentation is available for download below.
Bienvenidos a la presentación de CADRE sobre el entendimiento de las posturas y los intereses. CADRE, como quizás usted sepa, es el Centro Nacional de Asistencia Técnica para la Resolución de las Disputas en la Educación Especial. Nuestro objetivo es el de asistir al público a entender mejor una alternativa constructiva para la negociación de las posturas.
Bienvenidos a la presentación de CADRE sobre "Escuchar." CADRE, como quizás ud. sepa, es el Centro Técnico Nacional de Asistencia para la Resolución de las Disputas en la Educación Especial. Nuestro objetivo aquí es el de asistir a las personas a entender los tres elementos críticos para escuchar: Mantener el enfoque en la otra persona escuchar en forma afectiva y con empatía demostrar entendimiento

Introduction Alternative dispute resolution (ADR) processes have resulted in positive outcomes for parents, students who receive special education and related services, advocates, school district staff, and others. Persons in dispute are provided opportunities to have their disagreements dealt with promptly. The anxiety of long waits in the due process/litigation system is relieved, often times with low, or no cost, professional services provided to all parties. And perhaps most importantly, ADR has provided a process for effectively mending broken relationships and set a course for positive...
CADRE has profiled four exemplary state special education dispute resolution systems: Iowa, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. Each of the state's profiles is available individually and all four profiles are included in a single combined document. In all four of these states, the Early Intervention (Part C) dispute resolution system is managed by the same entity that manages the Part B system. Oklahoma has adopted Part B timelines for their Part C system. These profiles present an overview of each state's system, focusing on some common aspects of state system performance and emphasizing...
The IDEA Partnership's Creating Agreement Workgroup has developed a gallery of new resources which included the Building Partnerships, Creating Agreement PowerPoint presentation, accompanying presenter's guide, dialogue guides, and other resource materials. Creating Agreement
About the Webinar: Increasingly, restorative approaches to discipline are being recognized as promising alternatives to suspension and expulsion. Focusing on the field of special education, this webinar will explore the use of restorative practices beyond school discipline. Members of School Talk/Restorative DC will join us to talk about the different ways that restorative practices are being used in DC area schools, including how restorative approaches may be valuable in IEP meetings. In addition, we will explore the potential of restorative approaches for preventing and resolving special...
Video of Exploring Implicit Bias and Microaggressions in Special Education About the Webinar: Unconscious bias is the result, in part, of the human brain’s need to categorize and store vast amounts of information. While everyone has unconscious biases, it can create problems when they surface in our evaluations and decisions. In Special Education, our implicit biases can alter our decisions regarding who we assess, who we believe, and how we evaluate cases. Further, it is important to understand how microaggressions can affect our parties, clients, and colleagues, leaving them with negative...
On February 28, 2013 CADRE hosted a free webinar with Sukhsimranjit Singh, Associate Director, Willamette University Center for Dispute Resolution, Exploring the Cultural Dimensions of Conflict. Video of Sukhsimranjit Singh_Culture and Conflict - CADRE Webinar_2.28.13 About the Webinar: Every society is riddled with conflict. Conflict is inevitable and different cultures have different ways of dealing with conflict within and outside the group. This session explored the cultural dimensions of conflict and provided an international perspective on exploring, negotiating with, and resolving a...

FACT - Special Education Toolkit (2016)

FACT - State Complaint Toolkit

This document was published in July 2002. More information on IDEA 2004.
Esta publicación ha sido desarrollada por el Consorcio para la Resolución Apropiada de Disputas en la Educación Especial (CADRE) para responder a las preguntas que tantos padres, profesores, administradores y otras muchas personas tienen acerca de la mediación.

FCSN - A Parent's Guide to Special Education

FCSN-2- IEP for My Child

FFF - Becoming a Stronger Advocate for Children in Your Care

FFF - Promoting Equity In Education Through Family Engagement (Fact Sheet)

FFF - Promoting Equity In Education Through Family Engagement (Video)

The documents below contain the FFY 2010-11 SPP/APR analyses for the dispute resolution indicators (Part B 16-19, Part C 10-13). PLEASE PROVIDE CADRE WITH YOUR FEEDBACK by completing this Survey Monkey: Please click here to take the survey .

FL - A Parent's Guide to Understanding Due Process Hearings for Early Steps

FL - Early Steps Operation Guide - Procedural Safeguards Section

FL - Early Steps Summary of Family Rights

FL - Hearing Officer Training Module (1)

