Main Library

This library contains CADRE resources as well as State, Lead Agency and Parent Center resources. Please note that CADRE makes no endorsement of the State, Lead Agency and Parent Center resources included here, nor of any policies, procedures, processes, or documents specific to any item.

AL - Policy for Accepting Electronic Submissions of Written State Complaints and Due Process Hearing Requests

AL - Quick Tips - Understanding the Complaint Process

FL - Part C Sample Written Decision

NJ - Agreement Reached - Withdrawal of Mediation, Hearing or Complaint

NJ - Agreement Reached - Withdrawal of Mediation, Hearing or Complaint (Spanish)

SPAN - Complaint Investigation Flowchart

SPAN - Info on Administrative (State/Written) Complaints

WI - Birth to 3 Program State Complaint Process

WI - Complaint abeyance letter to district & parents

WI - Complaint Closing letter acknowledging that all non-compliance has been corrected - to district

WI - Complaint closing letter to district and parent when agreement has been reached

WI - Complaint closing letter to district and parent when complainant does not wish to proceed with complaint

WI - Complaint extension letter to a specified date

WI - Complaint form for parent - release of info from the parent for access to school records

WI - Complaint letter (to parent) re: public record release w/personally identifiable data deleted

WI - Complaint letter notice rejecting

WI - Complaint letter to district and parents re: extension for mediation

WI - Complaint letter to district announcing findings/decisions re: non-compliance

WI - Complaint letter to filing party when not a parent (notice of need for parental consent)

WI - Complaint letter to parent requesting release of educational records where complainant is not the parent

WI - Complaint notice (acknowledgement) to district & parents

WI - Complaint Processing Worksheet Log

WI - Complaint report release letter from DPI to District (parent to share complaint report)

WI - Complaint with mediation agreed to by parent and district notice to district & parents

WI - Corrective Action Plan (CAP) approval letter to district

