Main Library

This library contains CADRE resources as well as State, Lead Agency and Parent Center resources. Please note that CADRE makes no endorsement of the State, Lead Agency and Parent Center resources included here, nor of any policies, procedures, processes, or documents specific to any item.

FACT - State Complaint Toolkit

These conflict management guidelines are designed to help district staff and parents effectively address conflict in special education. The creation of this document was part of a Portland Public Schools Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) local capacity grant funded by the Oregon Department of Education (ODE).

Opciones y Recursos Informales y Formales para la Resolución de Desacuerdos en la Enseñanza Especial en Rhode Island (Spanish)

OR - Dispute Resolution Committee

OR - IEP Facilitation Procedures: A Guide for Families and Districts

OR - IEP Facilitation Request Form

Perfect Together: Aligning and Leveraging State Education Agencies and Parent Centers in Shared Work

Video of Perfect Together: Aligning and Leveraging State Education Agencies and Parent Cent This webinar focuses on practical, implementable strategies leading to effective and sustained collaboration between Parent Centers and State Education Agencies. The presenters provide examples of practices across the Collaboration Continuum that have led to successful, authentic engagement. Characteristics of a partnership that has continued over time, survived changes in personnel, and endured across short and long-term initiatives, are described. Presenters: Helen W. Post is the Executive Director...

PIC-WY - Keys to Confident & Effective Parent Participation in the Special Education Process

PIC-WY - Making an Informed Decision About Your Due Process Rights

PIC-WY - Steps for Parents of Children Receiving Suports in Special Education

Rhode Island Informal and Formal Special Education Options and Resources for Dispute Resolution (English)

RI - Procedural Safeguards Notice Portuguese

RI - A System of Continuous Improvement

RI - Complaint Procedures

RI - Complaint Procedures - Portuguese

RI - Complaint Procedures - Spanish

RI - Due Process Hearing Procedures - Resolution Session Excerpt

