Main Library

This library contains CADRE resources as well as State, Lead Agency and Parent Center resources. Please note that CADRE makes no endorsement of the State, Lead Agency and Parent Center resources included here, nor of any policies, procedures, processes, or documents specific to any item.

AFC - Advocacy Skills - A Guide to Help You Advocate for Your Child's Educational Rights

AFC - Short Guide to Impartial Hearings

AI - Preparing for Special Ed Mediation/Resolution

APEC - Resolving Disputes in Special Education

ASK - Communication Matters

ASK - Improving Communication: Tips for Parents and Educators

DC - One Pagers - Mediation, DPHs, FRMs

DREDF - A Guide for California Parents: Special Education Due Process and the Resolution Meeting

Bienvenidos a la presentación de CADRE sobre el entendimiento de las posturas y los intereses. CADRE, como quizás usted sepa, es el Centro Nacional de Asistencia Técnica para la Resolución de las Disputas en la Educación Especial. Nuestro objetivo es el de asistir al público a entender mejor una alternativa constructiva para la negociación de las posturas.
Bienvenidos a la presentación de CADRE sobre "Escuchar." CADRE, como quizás ud. sepa, es el Centro Técnico Nacional de Asistencia para la Resolución de las Disputas en la Educación Especial. Nuestro objetivo aquí es el de asistir a las personas a entender los tres elementos críticos para escuchar: Mantener el enfoque en la otra persona escuchar en forma afectiva y con empatía demostrar entendimiento

FFF - Promoting Equity In Education Through Family Engagement (Fact Sheet)

FFF - Promoting Equity In Education Through Family Engagement (Video)

FL - STC Brochure in English-2013

GA - Self Determination Manual

IA - 50 Ways to Leave Your Impasse

IA - Q & A Resolution Meeting Tips

IA - Resolution Facilitator Training PPT

IA - Tips for LEA/AEA When Conducting a Resolution Meeting

IA-157 Q & A Statewide AEA RF system8.10.pdf

IA-24 AEA ResolutionFacilitationBrochure10.08.pdf

IL - Educational Rights and Responsibilities: Understanding Special Education in Illinois “The Parent Guide”

Video of Webinar: Introducing the Part C Dispute Resolution Family Guides About the Webinar: This webinar provides parent centers and families with ideas on how to use these new, family-friendly guides on mediation, due process hearings, and written State complaints designed with the Part C families in mind. This webinar also describes the collaborative process that CADRE used to develop the guides. The new family-friendly guides on special education dispute resolution are now available for download from the CADRE website, in addition to the new Quick Guide to Special Education Dispute...

MD - Parent Involvement Brochure

MEPF-8 - Advocating For Your Child

