Main Library

This library contains CADRE resources as well as State, Lead Agency and Parent Center resources. Please note that CADRE makes no endorsement of the State, Lead Agency and Parent Center resources included here, nor of any policies, procedures, processes, or documents specific to any item.

Introduction The introduction to this sourcebook stresses the need for schools, communities, and families to work together to educate children to be productive and caring 21 st century citizens. American families are described as more diverse than ever before, spanning cultures, languages, levels of education, and socioeconomic and demographic differences. Family involvement is defined in an expansive way to include and recognize the value of a broad spectrum of activities that involve family members and/or guardians helping children to learn, both at home and at school. Barriers that limit...
Engaging Parents in Productive Partnerships is an easy-to-read presentation of suggestions on how educators and service providers can effectively collaborate with parents including specific recommendations for IEP meetings. Tell us what you think of the document, please click here to take a short survey. (link is external) To order copies of this publication, please fill out this order form.
This document was published in July 2002. More information on IDEA 2004.
Esta publicación ha sido desarrollada por el Consorcio para la Resolución Apropiada de Disputas en la Educación Especial (CADRE) para responder a las preguntas que tantos padres, profesores, administradores y otras muchas personas tienen acerca de la mediación.
Video of Webinar: Introducing the Part C Dispute Resolution Family Guides About the Webinar: This webinar provides parent centers and families with ideas on how to use these new, family-friendly guides on mediation, due process hearings, and written State complaints designed with the Part C families in mind. This webinar also describes the collaborative process that CADRE used to develop the guides. The new family-friendly guides on special education dispute resolution are now available for download from the CADRE website, in addition to the new Quick Guide to Special Education Dispute...
There are a number of reasons for making mediation more accessible and responsive to families from culturally, economically and linguistically diverse backgrounds. This document is intended to provide educators with guidance that may help them understand why some families may not participate in mediation, and strategies for increasing the participation of families from diverse backgrounds. Most importantly, Keys to Access offers practical recommendations that school personnel, early intervention service providers, mediation providers, and families can use to develop the knowledge, positive...
This article suggests that the adoption of a maximizing mediation approach by the mediator is permissible and advised. There are no barriers to mediators moving beyond the world of barely sufficient processes and barely sufficient results to stimulate maximized processes and maximized results.
On August 14, 2013 CADRE hosted a free webinar with Karen Mapp, Director, Education Policy and Management Program, Harvard Graduate School of Education, Moving Forward: Building Effective Family-School Partnerships . Video of CADRE Webinar:Moving Forward-Building Family School Partnerships8.14.13 About the Webinar: This webinar provided an overview of what we now know about policies and practices needed to cultivate and sustain effective family-school partnerships that support student achievement and school improvement. About the Presenter: Karen L. Mapp, EdD, is a Senior Lecturer on...

Perfect Together: Aligning and Leveraging State Education Agencies and Parent Centers in Shared Work

Video of Perfect Together: Aligning and Leveraging State Education Agencies and Parent Cent This webinar focuses on practical, implementable strategies leading to effective and sustained collaboration between Parent Centers and State Education Agencies. The presenters provide examples of practices across the Collaboration Continuum that have led to successful, authentic engagement. Characteristics of a partnership that has continued over time, survived changes in personnel, and endured across short and long-term initiatives, are described. Presenters: Helen W. Post is the Executive Director...
On May 1, 2013 , CADRE hosted a free webinar with Prof. Richard Birke, Director, Willamette University Center for Dispute Resolution, The Mediator's Mind: Insights from Psychology and Neuroscience. Video of CADRE Webinar-The Mediator's Mind: Insights from Psychology and Neuroscience 5.1.13 About the Webinar : Cognitive and behavioral psychology offer a treasure trove of insights into the ways negotiators and mediators resolve conflict. Now, neuroscience has added greatly to our understanding of the mind. Modern technology allows unprecedented access to the mechanisms of the brain as...
Video of The Transformative Power of Engaging Parents as Partners About the Webinar: Learn how Poway Unified School District completely transformed their relationships with families, re-established trust, and even more importantly, improved students’ learning experiences. Their intentional efforts to engage parents as partners also helped save the district millions of dollars in attorney fees and settlement costs. Their hope is that by continuing to partner with parents, staff can spend less time and energy embroiled in conflict and more time and energy exploring ways to continuously improve...
This resource guide presents an overview of mediation evaluation with a specific focus on how to make use of participant questionnaires in evaluating mediation programs. A CADRE Publication. This document was published in December 2002 and updated in August 2007.
Video of Spanish Language Webinar Sobre el seminario web: Los Centros de Padres a lo largo y ancho del país están asistiendo a padres de familia cuyo idioma no es el inglés para que se preparen para las reuniones del IEP de sus hijos. El personal que atiende a estas familias necesita información y recursos que sean lingüística y culturalmente apropiados para explicarles a los padres su papel en el proceso del IEP y guiarlos sobre cómo participar de manera más efectiva. Este webinar en español ha sido especialmente diseñado para el personal bilingüe de centros de apoyo, y padres líderes en su...
