Main Library

This library contains CADRE resources as well as State, Lead Agency and Parent Center resources. Please note that CADRE makes no endorsement of the State, Lead Agency and Parent Center resources included here, nor of any policies, procedures, processes, or documents specific to any item.

AJE - List of Workshops and Trainings

AK - Sample Resolution Session

AZ - Resolution Session Training PowerPoint

BIE - Resolution Session and Due Process Hearing Procedures in Special Education - Due Process Hearing Officer Manual (2007)

Breaking Barriers: Reaching the Hard to Reach - Webinar

CPAC - Breaking Down the IEP: Looking at the Key Pieces of an Effective Program

CPAC - Planning for Success: How You Can Make a Difference In Your Child's Individualized Education Program (IEP)

CT - Resolution Sessions Data Collection

DREDF - Special Education: Basics and Beyond

ECAC - Race and Ethnic Background in Special Education

In partnership with Learning for Equity: A Network for Solutions (LENS-NC), ECAC spoke with families and educators from across the state to discuss the impact of race and ethnic background on students with learning disabilities. This 15 minute video explores: conversations about equity in special education with family members and educators across the state systems-level data displaying disproportionate representation among students of color the challenges of defining "normal" or "appropriate" in a complex and diverse society

ECAC - Working It Out: Alternative Dispute Resolution

Bienvenidos a la presentación de CADRE sobre el entendimiento de las posturas y los intereses. CADRE, como quizás usted sepa, es el Centro Nacional de Asistencia Técnica para la Resolución de las Disputas en la Educación Especial. Nuestro objetivo es el de asistir al público a entender mejor una alternativa constructiva para la negociación de las posturas.
Bienvenidos a la presentación de CADRE sobre "Escuchar." CADRE, como quizás ud. sepa, es el Centro Técnico Nacional de Asistencia para la Resolución de las Disputas en la Educación Especial. Nuestro objetivo aquí es el de asistir a las personas a entender los tres elementos críticos para escuchar: Mantener el enfoque en la otra persona escuchar en forma afectiva y con empatía demostrar entendimiento

FCSN-2- IEP for My Child

FFF - Becoming a Stronger Advocate for Children in Your Care

FND - Connecting Across All Differences

FND - Parent-Teacher Conferences

GA - ASPIRE Teacher Training Powerpoint

IA - AEA Resolution Facilitator Guide 2010

IA - Meeting Notes for Stakeholder Training

IA - Resolution Facilitator Training PPT

IA - RESPECT Training - Participant Manual

IA - RESPECT Training - Trainer Manual

