The Endrew F Decision: SCOTUS Clarifies the FAPE Standard


In this interactive session Jim Gerl will discuss and analyze the Endrew F decision, an important ruling by the Supreme Court that clarifies the FAPE standard for special education cases. Decisions by circuit courts of appeal applying the new standard will also be covered.

Jim Gerl is a lawyer, a hearing officer, a mediator, a blogger, and a train-er of hearing officers and mediators. Since 1979, he has been a hearing officer, hearing examiner or administrative law judge for numerous agencies, primarily in special education and civil rights. He has been an IDEA hearing officer for West Virginia, Utah, South Dakota, Delaware, Pennsylvania, Washington DC, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. He has trained hearing officers from all 50 states. He has trained hearing offic-ers at several national and regional conferences. Jim has served as a Faculty Advisor for the administrative law- fair hearing program offered at the National Judicial College. He is a regular faculty member for the National Association of Hearing Officials and for the IDEA ALJ/HO Academy. Jim has a law degree from the University of San Francisco, a Masters degree in public policy analysis from the University of Illinois- Chicago, and a BA from the University of Illinois at Urbana.

Sponsored by: National Conference of ALJs (affiliated with the ABA)

This Skype-based program is complimentary but advance registration is required. Please register at
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