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This map portal allows website users to access contact information for state education agencies, early intervention lead agencies, and federally funded parent centers.

Dispute Resolution Parent Guides & Videos for Parents of Children & Youth

Parent guides for IDEA Part B dispute resolution in 13 languages. Companion videos and dispute resolution comparison chart available in English and Spanish.

Adults in a meeting
Adults conversing and kids playing at table

IDEA Early Intervention Family Guides & Videos

Family guides on Part C dispute resolution processes (available in multiple languages) and companion videos (English and Spanish), a comparison chart, commonly used terms, and more!

Photo of calendar
Upcoming Events
person holding mail with postage
Publication Order Form

Are you a State Education Agency, Local Education Agency, Lead Agency, or Parent Center in need of CADRE publications? You can order them by clicking on the link below.

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SEA Dispute Resolution Coordination & Leadership

Whether you are new to your Dispute Resolution (DR) coordination and leadership role or not, you may find the content housed in this online suite of resources helpful in the administration of the required IDEA DR processes, as well as the implementation of other prevention and early resolution practices.

Woman with microphone in audience

Cultural and Linguistic Competence Assessment For Dispute Resolution Systems

CADRE has a suite of resources to support agencies in improving their system's cultural and linguistic competency, including a self-assessment tool, User Guide, webinars, coaching questions, action planning template, a Guide to Engaging Underserved Familes, and more!