CASE 2018 Winter Hybrid Conference


DATA DRIVEN ACCOUNTABILITY: Actualizing the Promise through Practice

Each Day will be a self contained workshop

  • Actualizing the Promise: Legal Issues -Thursday
  • Actualizing the Practice: - MTSS for Behavior: Creating a Full Continuum of Prevention and Positive Intervention: For All Students including those with mental health and trauma-related needs. Friday

Presenters will be Cutting Edge

  • Julie Weatherly, Esq (Thursday)
  • Dr. Randy Sprick (Friday)

Watch for Registration

This will be a HYBRID Conference

  • Attend in person or link up for a virtual conference from your location
  • Price is per site so invite as many others to join you as you wish for the same price
  • Purchase the CD-ROM and it is for your use as often as you wish!
  • Practical Help & Resources provided to all Virtual Sites
  • Special Communication Links between Virtual Sites and On Site participants/speakers