Presented by: 
American Bar Association
September 23, 2020 - 6:00pm

The ABA Dispute Resolution Section and Law School Division is excited to launch a quarterly Dispute Section Student Virtual Session series!

Ready, Set...Pivot!

As students, we have had to make sense of the COVID-19 pandemic and its impact to various facets of our lives. Our daily routines, careers, and families have all been impacted. In other words, we have had to pivot.

The ABA Dispute Resolution Section will host a virtual panel of successful ‘pivoters’ to discuss how they overcame challenges and navigated personal and career transitions. Smaller breakout rooms will enable participants to engage in real-time conversations.

This event is FREE and a great opportunity to meet some accomplished attorneys, dispute resolution professionals and ‘pivoters!’

Event Date

Wednesday, September 23 @ 9pm EST, 8pm CST, and 6pm PST


Please register and access the zoom link here

