Independent Child Advocate Program - Sonoma County SELPA
System Design/Management
The ADR program involves everything from training parents and educators in effective communication and negotiation skills to conducting formal mediations known as Solutions Teams. The intent of this program is to maintain positive relationships between the student's family and the school as well as to save money for both parties.
When a call for assistance is made, the program specialist will listen to the concerns and help identify key issues and interests. Information about special education laws and practices may be provided, if relevant, and a referral may be made to others who can appropriately work with the issues. If the Independent Child Advocate is determined to be the best option, the program specialist will have the Advocate contact the party directly.
The Advocate is knowledgeable about special education law and programs.
Availability/Accessing Services
When a call for assistance is left on the ADR Helpline (707) 524-2785, an ADR-trained SELPA program specialist will respond to the phone call within 48 hours (response time will be longer on weekends and holidays).
We have had a very strong success rate of preventing conflicts from going to fair hearing at the state level.