This presentation is a 90-minute, research based training designed to make any IEP meeting run more smoothly, lessening the number of conflict events that necessitate state intervention.  The presentation will make use of overheads and handouts and will be interactive, including an activity of sequencing 50 elements of meeting preparation and the meeting itself.

This presentation increases specific skills related to preparing for and holding the IEP meeting.  By attending to the purpose, the plan, the participants, the IEP process and use of a "parking lot" technique, it combines good meeting practice (i.e. have an agenda, a time-keeper, a note-taker, defined roles) with specifics of the federally mandated IEP process, such as developing goals before determining placement.

Knowing the IEP Meeting Essentials is one section of a full day training intended as a trainer-of-trainers format where key professionals will be trained so they may return to their Districts and train all of their IEP managers.  Explanation of the full day training is the content of another proposal also submitted to CADRE by the Minnesota Department of Education's Special Education Mediation Service (MNSEMS).
