Organizations seek FIEP training for a variety of reasons. Sometimes it is a short-term fix and other times it is to address large-scale concerns. In either case, we all know that attending training, even world-class training, does not always lead to implementation and results.

Session participants will engage in discussions directed to sculpt their implementation of the FIEP process to address:
• Current and emerging IEP meeting challenges
• Team member focus on the student
• Cultural and linguistic diversity
• Use of preventative and contentious dispute resolution strategies.
• Identification of Desired Results

Outcomes for participants in the session include knowledge of the following areas:
• Implementation of the FIEP process by design rather than chance to produce desired results
• Effective Implementation Planning that leads to: Consistency and Fidelity of Implementation
• Considerations of Data Collection to measure Effort and Effect that leads to: Achieving Desired Results
